These are the cookies that may be set when you visit shopDisney EMEA, and their function.
_zd_gdpr :
This is a Technically necessary cookie and is used to provide this service.
_zlcid :
This is a personalisation cookie. We use it to detect or remember your choices, to customise your experiences, such as language, location or other settings. Disabling this cookie may impact performance and will disable the Live Chat Function.
Both of the above cookies are session cookies and more information on Disney's Cookie policy can be found here:
_cf_bm & _cfruid :
These are technically necessary cookies from Cloudflare. They expire after 30 minutes.
_help_centre_session_: / _zlcmid / zlcstore / zte2095
These cookies allow the Help Centre to work and function and are session cookies from Zendesk.